Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cooling off!!!!!



  1. Hey Lucas, how about spraying me!!!!

  2. Lucas looks so happy and sounds he had a fun time!

    Thank you so much for your visiting and nice comment on my blog. I really appreciate it!
    What a coincidence with the names Sonia e Sofia! And Lito is the nickname of Carlos, my husband.

    I think that I know how you came upon my blog, and I am glad you did, too. I went to your post and I read a comment, from a blog friend named "Farm Girl" from "Down On The Farm". Then I went to "Down on the Farm" and I found on her links the "HomesteadHerbs" from Hockley, TX , http://homesteadherb.blogspot.com/ and this blog friend have lived in São Paulo, Brazil and I have her blog on my link, too. So I think this was the "road" to my blog!

    Have a good day!

  3. Thank you Clara for your visiting and nice comment about my pink flowers.
    Have a good weekend!

  4. I'm in the south, too, and can DEFINITELY relate to this picture!!!

    Mrs. U
