Friday, May 26, 2006

My DH taking his EECP Treatment

This is Bill getting his treatment today. It is for his acute angina. They last for one hour. When he got in 30 minutes today, he was half way through his treatments. There are 35 total. The day he finishes, we are on our way to the beach....YEAH!!!!


  1. When my 41 year old brother-n-law had a heart attack, I checked into this. One of the doc's at the hospital I work at has one of those. Because of his semi-good health and age, he was not a candidate. I think it is neat & the studies are very positve. A great non-invasive way to increase the collateral circulation! Let us know how your husband does at the end of the treatment..I'm excited for him! Hey is there a beach in Tenn that I'm not aware of? LOL

  2. I like the way y'all are going to celebrate the end of his treatments! I hope the treatments are successful. :)


  3. Clara, that helps me understand what they are doing. Thanks for posting the picture.
